Floored - walk in the shoes of the men and women on the front lines of our financial crisis


April 1, 2020

You would be best off just paying the three bucks and viewing it on Amazon Prime. However, if you just love that guy that comes on and says "HAY!" with a bonkie bonk music and gives you a tour of his nice mansion with the hot girls in the back. You can watch it on Youtube."

Twenty years ago this would have been the job for me! But it was a young man's game with a lot of testosterone. It was such an art. Taught by men like Charlie D. The film captures a lost skill that was passed down from generation to generation.

  • Floored is a 2009 documentary film about the people and business of the Chicago trading floors. The film focuses specifically on several Chicago floor traders who have been impacted by the electronic trading revolution and whose jobs have been threatened by the use of computers in the trading world. Directed by James Allen Smith, the film runs for 77 minutes.
  • The film has become particularly relevant in light of the U.S. financial crisis of 2009; Greg Burns of the Chicago Tribune has said of the film's director, "By dealing with hard times in the workplace, Smith taps into a vein running through millions of lives in this brutal recession, as the nation’s unemployment rate soars toward 10 percent"
  • Critics have suggested a meta-fictional subtext to the documentary, linking the film's storyline about Chicago traders to the plight of independent filmmakers in a time of the declining influence of film festivals and the ubiquitousness of free internet content. Ironically, the documentary itself was widely available on video sharing sites before its official "web premiere" on September 6, 2013.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whether you are just getting started in trading or a seasoned old dog---is the film for you. I still watch it from time to time. And just wonder how did it all dissaper so quickly?

About The Bloger

I'm just a regular guy; Not Silver spoon family or WALL Street / Chicago network or Financial Fast Track educational express superstar golden boy, I have an intimate knowledge of the insider mindset / how the insiders on Wall Street think act and position their trades.

I SEE THE MARKET IN TERMS OF THE COMPOSITE MAN / INSIDER – Most traders look at the market in terms of bulls and bears. This creates a dichotomy. A duality of the mind. Wyckoff looked at the market in terms of Composite Man / “insiders” the combined effect of the bulls and bears. It's the insiders that move the market in terms of news catalysts and offing events---not bulls and bears. I've cloned the mind / vernacular of Wyckoff's thinking and writing approach to the market.

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Jessica H. Wheaton
15 hours ago

Gosh! I can't believe those guys did that everday. Gettign pounded like that. They must had taken a beatin

Wyckoff Tader to Jessica
15 hours ago

Yes Jessica they did. And most importantly the financial markets have changed. So we the American public took a beat down also. I'd recommend you subscribe to my newsletter. You get to read about some Professional Traders who left the floor in Chicago and are now in an exclusive trading room trading the waves of the E-mini. Give me a call or drop an email

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